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Runner -- A Desktop Alternative
Keys / Colors / Pic selection / Disk Selection
Copyright (C) 1991 by Dave Thorson
Version 1.50 March 8, 1991
Note: While this file doesn't necessarily contain more advanced
material, it assumes you already know a lot about Runner.
Before reading this, you should have read SETUP.HLP,
STARTUP.HLP, MENU_BAR.HLP and DIALOG.HLP. You should also have
tried to use Runner a bit to understand the basics.
$$ Keyboard Equivalents
Anything you can do with a mouse in Runner can be done without a
mouse as well (in fact, there are many things you can't do with
the mouse). If your mouse should die, something in the ST lets
you use the arrow keys to move the mouse pointer. Press
Alternate and the arrows to move in any direction. Alternate
and Insert are like pressing the left mouse button, and
Alternate and Clr Home give a right mouse click. For finer
positioning use Shift Alternate and the arrow keys.
Runner improves on this basic idea: you can also use the up and
down arrow keys without Alternate to move the mouse up an down
in menu lists. A right arrow selects a program to run or menu
to open, and a left arrow moves up one menu level. Insert acts
like a left mouse click and Clr Home acts like a right mouse
In addition, Runner supports keyboard equivalents for almost
every GEM menu bar action. In the menu bar, there is always
one upper case letter for each action. Press that key as a
shortcut (upper and lower case both work). For those items with
alternate functions, you can hold down Alternate or Control with
either a mouse click in the GEM Menu Bar or with its keyboard
A - About RUNNER
U - Use accessories
S - Save RUNNER.CFG (Alt: saves pic config file only)
I - Installed applications list
B - Background load/clear
P - add Program
M - add Menu
C - Change prog/menu
D - Drop prog/menu
R - Restore prog/menu
Q - QuickKeys Show/Hide
Colors (Alt: uses color palette for background pic also):
N - iNitial palette
K - desKtop palette
G - backGround palette
T - Text palette
$$ Several other keys are important to Runner (in fact, the only
keys that are NOT currently used are W, E, J, V, ", \, Delete
and keypad "."):
Help - views the file RUNNER.HLP if it is available. You can
change this file to add new information or drop things you no
longer need.
Undo - quick exit from Runner - dialog box makes sure.
Esc - runs next program from Mini-Run. Press Esc again to turn
this off. The words "MINI_RUN" appear in upper right corner
when enabled.
Tab - forces display of all menu items, regardless of the
current resolution. This lets you Change or Remove programs
without switching resolution. Press Tab again to hide items
for wrong resolution. The "registered" symbol (an "R" within
a circle) appears next to all programs or menus not normally
visible in the current resolution. Think of the "R" as a
Resolution warning.
Backspace - switches time/date display in upper right corner
through each of the following display types:
a. None
b. Time display
c. Date display
d. Alternating Time and Date display
Note: If Mini-Run is enabled, date or time is replaced
by "MINI_RUN" until return to Runner.
[ - switches time format between 12 and 24 hour display
] - switches date format between mm/dd/yy and dd/mm/yy
Space - displays file selector open to last used directory.
Programs selected will be run, other files will be viewed
unless they are for an installed application (then it will
run and load the selected file).
Return - selects program to run or menu to open.
Keypad - 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,(,),/,*,-,+ select color registers
to change. The Enter key normally works as Return, and
keypad "." is not used. See Color Changes below for more.
; - changes menu background space mode. Try this with a picture
displayed to see what it does. Pressing ";" key cycles
between each of three display modes.
< - moves menu left one space; press rapidly (but do not hold
down) to move several spaces without waiting for redraw.
> - moves menu right one space (see "<").
/ - centers menu on screen (default position).
H - hide text - lets you see whole picture. Move mouse or press
a key (it will be ignored) to restore screen.
Z - sleeps (hides text and picture) to blank out screen (see "H").
O - turns menus On and Off (different than Hide or Sleep because
mouse and other keys can still be used when menus are off).
X - swaps previous path used in file selector with current path;
press X before going to file selector.
Y - calls the Regions program.
For keys associated with using a file selector or with File
View, see the file FILSELCT.HLP.
$$ Picture Loading
Shift 1, shift 2, shift 3,... shift 9, shift 0 all can be used
to load picture files and related configuration files. Picture
file names can only be assigned/changed in the Regions program.
$$ Colors
Runner Version 1.30 added support for changing the Current
Palette from within Runner. When viewing files from the file
selector, only the text palette is changed. From Runner's main
screen, any of the palettes can be changed, but they must be
made the Current Palette by selecting them in the Colors menu.
To change colors within the Current Palette, simply select the
color register you want to change on the keypad.
This diagram shows each key and +------+------+------+------+
the symbol appearing on it, with | ( 10 | ) 11 | / 12 | * 13 |
the color register (r0, r1 and +------+------+------+------+
so on up through 15). Background | 7 r7 | 8 r8 | 9 r9 | - 14 |
is always register 0. Text color +------+------+------+------+
varies with resolution. In high | 4 r4 | 5 r5 | 6 r6 | + 15 |
res (mono) it's the opposite of +------+------+------+------+
the background color (reg.0). In | 1 r1 | 2 r2 | 3 r3 | |
medium res, register 3 controls +------+------+------+ Enter|
text color, while 1 and 2 are for | 0 r0 | | |
any other colors. In low res, +-------------+------+------+
register 15 (the + key) controls
text color.
Once you have selected a color register, press the R, G and B
keys to change the color. With Shift, these keys increase the
Red, Green and Blue content. Without Shift, they decrease it.
The color value is displayed (for example, 777 for a bright
white or 005 for a medium blue). Increasing R, G, or B when
it's already at 7 wraps it around to 0, and decreasing from 0
wraps around the other way to 7. Another color register can
also be selected by pressing another keypad key. A color block
to the right of the RGB values will help you know which register
affects which color. When all the colors are set the way you
like, press Enter or Return to accept them. Press Esc instead
if you don't want to keep the changes (you'll still need to
press Return to exit).
Colors changed in this manner from Runner's main screen become
the new Current Palette. What happens next depends on what
palette (iNitial, desKtop, backGround or Text) was selected in
the GEM menu bar as the current palette before changing colors:
* If iNitial was selected and you Save Runner's config file,
then these changed colors will be saved as Runner's iNitial
palette for future use.
* If desKtop was selected then when you exit Runner, these
changed colors will be used for your ST's desktop.
* If backGround was selected, then these colors will be saved
in the picture configuration file for the current background
picture, if you save Runner's config file or use Alt-Save to
force a save of only the picture config file.
* If Text was selected and you save Runner's config file, then
these changed colors will be saved as Runner's Text palette
for future use.